画質 高画質

hello there
I'm D.P, or just Captain, or Prince
I illustrate and do character design and concept design
Currently working on comic creating, looking for illustration work, I also have commissions open
my email is nicopena0.com

19 40

a origem do meu nick veio pq eu tinha uma página de tirinhas no facebook, queria um nome simples e original, uma amiga minha me ajudou colocando "Dot Hog" que era hot dog com as iniciais trocadas pq meu oc é um dog, mas traduzido ficou PONTO PORCO, daí troquei pra Dot Zack

46 1110

Its Again!

Hi There I'm Puzzles/Michael, I'm a freelance illustrator currently looking for work in either the videogame or book industry! My work trends towards lively fantasy scenes

Contact- puzzlesarting.com
Portfolio- https://t.co/gnOcNlVNg2

23 51

Hi 🐬
I’m Ruka Ito. I’m a comic/concept/visual development artist from Japan. I love painting with watercolor so much! I want to work on comic/publishers in future. Thank you so much!

✉ sangobouro.com
🌟 https://t.co/FzA86fzTzR
📷 https://t.co/ltcsyJ8fQf

16 41

Hello I’m Saii, a freelance illustrator specialising in anime style illustrations and designs, and draws a lot of pretty women (and guys) 💙💛

If you’re interested in working with me, feel free to email me with the details or any questions!


95 586

HI 🖤🖤🖤

I’m tokitokoro , MangaArtist and illustrator based in Tokyo🦋
✉️ tokitokororo.com

21 55





44 68


My name is Vii!
I’m a digital artist from Poland, painting portraits, character art and book covers!

Contact: viimortecontact.com

81 190

Hey I'm a freelance fantasy artist looking for new opportunities!


62 277

Hi (:
I'm Céline, a freelance artist with a passion for telling stories through paintings and creating characters with detailed outfits✨

I'm open for freelance/c0mmission opportunities!

60 198

Hello !
I'm Shade, a freelance artist. I love to paint fantasy and sci-fi characters.


168 881


현재 일정을 감안하여 2023 하반기(8월 중순~9월 이후) 일러스트 작업 외주 받습니다.

실사~반실사 주력이지만, 캐주얼체로도 작업 가능하므로 아래 포트폴리오 사이트 참고하시어 이메일로 문의 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

✉️ ina0506art.com
📁 https://t.co/aLruRpigVN

32 32

A big hello once again 👋

I'm Veronica - an illustrator who specialises in vibrant and fantastical scenes.

Available for more work from August onwards + especially interested in any TTRPG projects❤️


101 430

Hi !
I'm CM Morin, a freelance illustrator and concept artist (characters, creatures and props) with a background in TTRPGs and video game industry.

Looking for new opportunities! 🔥


68 292

イラストのお仕事を募集しております。 企業様、個人様問わず募集しておりますのでお気軽にご相談ください。 (雑誌、挿絵、音声作品、動画用、立ち絵など)ご連絡は下記URLまたはアドレスまで ご相談ください。 【HP】https://t.co/Dd4SSW0RU1【mail】kakeruruimu.com

0 0

Commission open
Mail me if you want-junlee3171511.com

30 114



3 17

Roupa é tão importante assim?
Comerei fora e minha mãe quer que eu troque de calça. Não vou num lugar 5 estrelas, é um lugar tão frequente que pode dizer que é todos da família lá.

Isso é preocupação com a opinião alheia?

0 20



LINE ID ken197748



5 25