Ferdibert illustration I did for 's fic A Night at the Opera! 🙌🙌🙌https://t.co/gjGrkMLwUr

110 246

plus them together!! i had fun making these haha

227 381

Don’t even look @ me just take it

176 408

Desktop candle

I made something sad yesterday, so today I made something warmer.

30 61

"Such a shame. There are people in the Empire you truly care about, too, aren't there? I wonder what will become of them."

34 85

me: breathes
my tablet: ferdibert

97 181

Still on a ship baby kick. so Now it is ferdinand/hubert baby!

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4 27

drew this hubertnand/ferdibert/whatever people are calling it... they r married

33 84

ferdibert but it's a cheesy vampire romance novel (cover from love bite)

35 84

you swoon you sigh why deny it oh oh 😳
ferdibert (or w/e they’re called) is absolutely killing me I CANT STAND THEM

403 764