画質 高画質

So yk how i said how if fukase can take a selfie and get likes then so can i? Yeah here's the selfie yall were promised

4 17

6位『#ザ・ファブル 殺さない殺し屋』


23 152

2. He’s mostly a cheeky, sometimes childish, but altogether kind person.

Again from Mikuma’s art where he’s sticking his tongue out or smirking. For me, Fukase can be cheeky but he also can be serious if he has to.

Which leads me to my next point…

1 11

【VOCALOID4】The vocal synth of the hour is Fukase.
Fukase is a bilingual vocaloid that gained much popularity quickly after his release. His design is notably asymmetrical and his companion is named Point.

28 162

9位『#機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ』
10位『#るろうに剣心 最終章 The Final』


53 411

一度描いてみたかったVOCALOID Fukaseくん

23 98

F: “But I gotta say, they can cost a lot of coins so I haven’t tried that many. Who knows, maybe there’s one out there I’d like. Think there’s one that’s spicy?”

4 40


9 88

F: “Told ‘em to wait and they did, see. That’s nice, right?”

6 48

No, I'm not late for my own challenge.

I also have a second version of this but... I might post it another time.

4 13

I made my own thing ^^
+ some dumb fuka doodles

6 17