happy Easter🐣🐰


Ms LUTRA 商品もフラバニさんで通販した方が早く手に入るかも…です。

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A better look at my favourite spread from some work done for this months BBC Focus Magazine.

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Me encanta esta ilutración muy de de Kelly01

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Oi eu sou o Thulio Tenho 17 aninhos e acabo por fazer umas ilutrações ai

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ya me entraron ganas de hacer más de esto 👀 kjdsgagsd
no pude evitar escribir una frase del Sr. Peanutbutter XD sorry

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100 Shoki Challenge - Siren

They do the typical siren thing in greek mythology that lure sailors to their doom. Lutra folk (otters) are more aware of this and do their best guiding/protecting other sailors from such a fate

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OI Eu sou Rayanne, sou ilutradora e cenarista de animação. Trabalho com livros infantis, gosto de desenhar frozinha e bruxinha, de comer muito chocolate e de ler histórias em quadrinhos

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1st illutration of the 6 I made for inchoobijoux on this new project. I love it !!!

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Je sais, je le poste un peu en retard mais voilà mon Illutration de l'ATTA ! :D
C'était trèèèèès chouette comme expérience ! >w<

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A detail from a recent pen and ink work, a portrait in the Lovely Dark and Deep series, by American Artist Erin Sledd.

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Hello! I'm opening a $50 illustration commission, with single character(+$10 for additional character max 2characters)
>5 slots are available for now
if interested send your refs to >
Illutrations takes 5 days to finish!
thank you!!

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Some sketches of my new otter char. Big fat otter muzzles!

Barry is a European river otter (Lutra lutra, also called the Eurasian otter or common otter).

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Satan, Lord of Terror
[ENG] I made this "new" illutration, actually i had it done, just added more details but i liked the result
[ESP] Hice esta "nueva" ilustración, en realidad ya la tenía hecha, solo le añadí más detalles pero me gustó el resultado

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Kami di menyediakan materi ilutrasi untuk keperluan kampanye kreatif. Silakan dimanfaatkan untuk cetak kaos, stiker, poster, brosur, atau apapun. Bebas dan tanpa royalti selama logo KAD tidak hilang. Terima kasih! https://t.co/CkK5AAG4Cv

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