Captivating viewers with the vibrant colors - Currently on View: Javier Cabada, "New Orleans" Acrylic, 30 x 40in.

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Put some pep into your step w/today's beautiful painting of the day: Javier Cabada's Untitled (Dancer in Blue Leggings)

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Cannot wait to see the beautiful new In the meantime enjoy the Painting of the Day:#JavierCabada Dancer 2

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Painting of the Day: "Paradox," on canvas, 60 x 65.5 in.

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of the Day: "Untitled,"#acrylic on canvas, 48x30in.

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In inventory, great for collectors! oil on canvas, 48.5 x 48.5 in.

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Painting of the Day: Javier Cabada, "Comrades," acrylic on canvas, 63 x 63 in, 2007.

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Painting of the Day: Javier Cabada, "New Orleans," acrylic on canvas, 47 x 59 in.

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Painting of the Day: Javier Cabada, "It's a Good Rhythm," acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 in.

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