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Applejack: Because you wanna-?

Lachlan: Yes, again. I can’t help it!

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Applejack: Alrighty Sugardog, we know you got him.

Lachlan: I didn’t this time, I swear!

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Twilight: Hey, where’d Angel go?

Applejack: Lachlan~?

Lachlan: Yes?

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Angel: Don’t be too hard on someone who constantly eats me? Hah!

Applejack: He spits you out!

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Applejack: What would you have to do if Gallus won the bet?

Lachlan: Shake my booty in front of you and the others. *he said that with pride*

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Applejack: The two of you make a bet in painting or something?

Lachlan: How’d you know?

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oo who put this mistletoe here I guess we have to kiss now 💜

[ AppleDash MLP Applejack RainbowDash ]

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applejack gives bear hugs.

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Unikitty: I had no idea you were such an awesome singer lil’ bro!!

Applejack: *to Winona* There’s my good girl!!

*soon, everyone entered backstage to congratulate “B-Bark”.

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As a child, I wished I could draw Disney characters well. But it wasn't achieved by simply wishing upon a star. Only hard work and patience.

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Applejack: That’s the newest member of Lachlan’s family!

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Twilight: And Unikitty, your camera didn’t save-

Applejack: *covers Twilight’s mouth* Just let her have her hero moment, Twi.

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Applejack: Oh boy, you mentioned food to him.

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