Detailed Bust commission for spookycryptidwatch on tumblr of their Water-Genasi Trickster Cleric, Petrichor! I love her hair!! 🌊🌊

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Introducing Jox, my orc cleric, who didn't see her 'guidance kisses' leading to this in game 😯

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Drew up my Human Cleric, River, for an It inspired Horror oneshot we’ll be having ❤️❤️ I’m so excited ❤️

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I was surprised when I first played a Cleric, by how fun the class was. I originally thought it was a class designed for roleplay bible bashers who wanted to play the white robed 'sensible' character. How terribly wrong I was.

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my d&d character. my giant otterboy cleric, Euclid!

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Commission for of their Aasimar Cleric, she has cool galaxy eyes!

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okay so I've already got d&d characters but.. what if.. the core 4 were ALSO d&d.......
Shung-ki - goblin cleric, lawful good
Blitz - human fighter, chaotic good
Vector - changeling wizard, lawful neutral
Star-Dust - drow ranger, neutral good

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I CAN'T DECIDE SO TAKE YOUR TIME BUT here we have 2 sides of the same coin: Agatha - Loud, awkward Elf cleric who calls everyone Friend and loves Pan. Dia - Tired half-elf who's also a cleric, devout to Apollo, and just wants her friends to like Not Die

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Wow this piece was fun! The grave cleric, Caduceus Clay is all finished up! I tried to really think about his personality and character. has done an amazing job creating this guy!

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Reuploads of my "2019 Monthly Ophilia" project!

Here's Ophilia Clement as a Cleric, Scholar, Merchant, and Warrior, for the months of January, February, March, and April.

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Got around to finish the portrait of my tiefling cleric, Dhara. He is trying his best

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Some more of my characters that ive dabbled with! In order Henrietta the Cleric, Esther the werewolf Bard, Richard Wrangler the Gunslinger (ft. his kobold best buddy), and Alijah the Wizard.

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AHH i waited a month to post this so FINALLY: rebellion NPCs! in order they are sol the half-elf cleric, blade the yuan-ti spymaster, kazuma the triton leader and guppy the kobold moral support!!

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‘‘Atlas, as an orc cleric, what is your job?’‘

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At 5 am my brain went "CanD&D" And it was the funniest pun and my brain couldn't stop thinking about it all day because I'm so flippin' stressed so I doodled a Peppermint Paladin, Cotton Candy Cleric, and a Butterscotch Bard. Anyways I'm still tired so I'm going back to bed.

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Please join me in marveling at this absolutely gorgeous art of my sweet war cleric, Faylen, because I am just. so. thrilled. by ALL OF IT. Her braid! Her armor! Her scar! I love it all.

All credit to for creating this piece!

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Welcome to the D&D community. May I present Lilyflower, a Pixie Cleric, who loves to protect her friends, heal the injured and prank vic.... I mean people.

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Pls meet my new deep gnome cleric, Glump! She makes healing balms out of insect guts and has a +2 to AC thanks to her stone-studded cloak, which she can curl up into like a turtle shell when she's scared.

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human forge cleric, mel 💪 neutral good, absolute cinnamon roll, legally not allowed to say fuck

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nissa, the aasimar cleric, that i will be playing soon! can’t wait! will she heal you? will she stab you? you don’t know!

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