expressions also very strong in this episode...

0 4

this is so funny but it's really not lol it's fuckin' sad actually

0 5

F he done forgot how to play Yugioh

0 7

Just... the fact that Judai has clear memories of everything Haou did is..... brutal. It's still so unbelievable they went here with the main character

0 8

he don't have PTSD nooooo

0 2

Judai: no
Ryo: *conveniently ignoring him*

0 4

I can't believe there is a parallel to Revolver trying to be Soulburner's therapist in revo vs soba only it happened way back in GX

0 4

Honeyyyyyy nooooo look at him :((((

0 4

:( You can see it too... he's literally just pushing forward on fucking nothing but that thin thread

0 6

well that's one way to put it huh

0 3

broe this is a clear trap and you're vulnerable even Ryo mcfucking heart attack waiting to happen can see this

0 6

Oh this is definitely, absolutely not put here on purpose for you to find, Judai

0 2

shipper heart enjoys how he always thinks of Manjoume first... 🥰

0 4

I watched a good chunk of this ep yesterday, and so far Sho is actually not pissing me off in this ep as much as he has been thru the Haou mini-arc? Maybe it's because he's like, actively part of this group and not just hiding in the back?

0 4

just keep walking... I'm sure you'll find him

0 2