So I heard we’re making fun of Butch Hartman again 👀
These actually cost around $30-40 fuck

0 6

So I heard Butch Hartman charged $200 for a traced drawing of Ranma lmao
I don't even have commissions worth $200, so here's one of my favs from the beginning of this year ~

3 19

dude my highest price is $15 butch hartman what are you doing

4 8

I never even offered coms that high, but yeah... 🙄

Don't scam people.
But especially: Don't scam your fans.

(Last one is by Butch Hartman)

7 22

My $15 commission vs. Butch Hartman's $200

My art has never made anywhere near $200 but man... do I ever feel like maybe I under-value myself a lot if this is the level we're at.

3 18

Keep in mind I'm only charging 10 Dollars for ORIGINAL Art Vs. Hartman's 200 Dollar STOLEN Art

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i havent taken commissions since like 2014 in da where i charged like 15 da points or something but i just wanted to show my sexilicious art next to hartmans 😼💛❣️

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Draw wholesome reddit chonker Butch Hartman gradient% Speedrun 4:12:73 (WR) Choked a few times but managed to optimize the route enough to get sub 15

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I don’t even use color and my color use is still better than Butch Hartman’s

3 12

Butch Hartman Me
charging $200 not even getting paid
per commission

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Buth Hartmans $200 commission vs My $30 commission

4 13

ive only done one comm that was 100 dollars- and it was a collection of /10 individual/ wof designs for .

otherwise, all my comms are normally in the $15-20 range, and you get way better quality than hartman’s ugly fuckin art.

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if you have bought anything from butch hartman my only question is: why?

3 5

technically i didn't make any money off these pieces but i still put more effort into butch's 200... yes, Butch Hartman got paid 200$ to draw... that...
i'm not usually one to make fun of someone's art... but COME ON DUDE at least put a CRUMB of effort into it!#my200vsbutch200

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Not saying this would be worth $200...this would be like $55 at most with my prices. But it has more thought in it then Butch ‘I made Your Childhood’ Hartman’s crap 💅

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retweet if you do better art than butch hartman (and show it if you want :) )

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He charges $200 for that poxy sketch and I'm here busting my arse on a fraction of that.

Fuck you Hartman. You lazy arsehole.

0 22

The first 3 Images are mine. I made these for the sol purpose of fun, with $0 in return. (For now.) and yet these drawings iv'e been making for years still managed to look better than Butch Hartman's current art style, Which BTW is not worth The $200.

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butch hartman me charging 15$
charging $200 for this
for this

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