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Lachlan: ...They were chained up by... I don’t know who it was, but... whoever it was... they kind of resembled Shadow the Hedgehog, but it wasn’t him, he had weird smoke and electric stuffed shooting from his hands, and I swear I heard mom say “Equestria’s new threat”...

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Lachlan: Mom, Auntie Luna, Auntie Cadence, Uncle Shining Armour, every one of my friends were chained up... including you... and Cozy Glow. ...Tirek and Chrysalis were there too, but they weren’t the ones who chained everyone up.

*an interesting twist, and there’s more*

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Lachlan: ...In the nightmare, I saw Rainbow and the others chained up to a ceiling, but the chains were weird... like they were made out of dark red mist with water reflective patterns... it was also in a weird cave full of crystals that I’ve never seen before.
*that’s not all*

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Sweetie Belle: So, what’s troubling you...?

Lachlan: I keep having nightmares about Rainbow Dash and the others, but I reckon that they’re actually messages telling me about something that’s about to happen...

Sweetie Belle: Oh... what happened in the nightmare?

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Lachlan: *climbs up onto Sweetie Belle’s bed* If it’s okay with you...

Sweetie Belle: Absolutely! *she sits next to him placing her arm around him* You’re my boyfriend, you’ve helped me lots of times, so I’m happy to help you.

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Lachlan: How’d you know...? *she walks him to her room so the two can talk together*

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Luna: The nightmares may not have come true, but I do wonder why you keep having them.

Lachlan: Me too... maybe I’ll talk to Sweetie Belle or Rainbow Dash about it, I’ll be back in a while. *he heads out to Rarity’s boutique, despite it being 2 in the morning*

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Lachlan: Auntie Luna...? What just happened?

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Lachlan: *whining in his sleep*

Luna: I think my dear nephew is having another nightmare... let’s see what’s scaring him... *she hears this tune*


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Lachlan had a harder time making friends than Twilight since he’s a dingo, and everypony (except Celestia, Luna and the rest of the Mane 6) only saw dingoes as “flea-bitten, flank sniffing, foal-eating, toilet drinkers”.

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“B-Bark adventures

Lachlan: *giggles* Get the camera ready Winona, I’m gonna give Scooby a scare...

Winona: *presses the record button* This is gonna be good!

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Applejack: Because you wanna-?

Lachlan: Yes, again. I can’t help it!

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Applejack: Alrighty Sugardog, we know you got him.

Lachlan: I didn’t this time, I swear!

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Twilight: Hey, where’d Angel go?

Applejack: Lachlan~?

Lachlan: Yes?

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Applejack: What would you have to do if Gallus won the bet?

Lachlan: Shake my booty in front of you and the others. *he said that with pride*

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Applejack: The two of you make a bet in painting or something?

Lachlan: How’d you know?

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Lachlan: I heard Sweetie Belle loves painting, do you think she’d like it?

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(Lachlan’s first day at Cheerilee’s school)

Celestia: You ready for your first day of school, sweetie?

Lachlan: A little... but I’m more used to you homeschooling me... and I’m a little scared...

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