''Russian Venus'' by Ilya Mashkov (1914)

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Back to Fishing boats in Belle-Isle-en-Mer, 1910

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Love these rich, warm colours from Paul Gauguin, who was born in 1848. Under appreciated during his lifetime, the post-impressionist artist is now known as a great experimenter of colour and for his Synthetis style.

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Odilon Redon (1840-1916) ~ Annemones and Poppies in a Vase.

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Octave Guillonnet (1872-1967) est un peintre français dit postimpressionniste. Enfant précoce, il expose dès 14 ans. Peintre du soleil, Octave passera bien des années dans le Midi, tout occupé à peindre au bord de la Méditerranée les mille facettes du corps féminin.

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