In the story that unfolds, Rogue chaperones Longshot, Psylocke and Dazzler through a training exercise on Muir Island, which goes poorly. Dazzler leaves in frustration, contemplating quitting, but bumps into Juggernaut and decides to pursue him…which goes poorly. 2/7

7 62

Some details of the last commissions I made during the past month!

The full version on my profile!

208 1407

New sticker available in my store 😍🎨 get yourself some shiny babes 🤓 👉🏻👉🏻

11 75


One of my favourite x-men.

3 5


Psylocke by Jeff Dekal

0 0

I'll leave a few suggestions here. Jessica Rabbit, Tifa Lockheart, Psylocke, and Kenshiro.

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Betsy Braddock aka Psylocke aka Captain Britain

4 64

By diabolumberto

6 17

Who is yours favourite Xmen?? I want to know 👀 mine are definitely Bishop,Gambit Rogue Psylocke Mystique amd Storm 😍😍 but Emma is dam HOT 🔥💙

46 313

Nothing to see here. Just Betsy catching up on backstory while on the couch watching Ted Koppel on ABC news.

(X-Men vs Avengers 1987)

1 6

I look at her power set display and I just melt. 💜🦋💜

1 7

Betsy respects Psylocke and her boundaries - even her anger - because she's a good person. She can see the pain she's caused and accepts responsibility for it, no matter how unintentional that was. And this is good.

11 66