This whole ass season honeslty

27 95

Predictions from my gay galaxy brain: a before and after

47 160

I am Mermista! Fabulous secrets were revealed to me the day I held aloft my trident and said, “For the honor of Grey Whales!”

2 11

A little classic She-Ra throwback. I think episode 4 is my new favorite.

3 16

This isn’t really a spoiler but I had to draw this after binge watching the second season.... I love blanket burrito Catra

0 0

They were so done with everything this season and I love it

57 200

Uhm...Adora IS younger me??????

0 3

"Because you left me"
I think it's pretty obvious who my fave is 😅

304 912

these four frames single handedly saved the gays

177 614