Samurai Shodown illustrations created by Jin Mera / 米良 仁 (AKA Eiji Shiroi / 白井影二) for the upcoming WonderCon 2018:

58 97

Pattern by Jess Tobin, February 2018: Find us on Facebook!

1 1

Big Year of New Publishing for Kate DiCamillo in 2018:

23 78

Life forced me to take a break from art, but now I am going for it all! First full Twitch Art Stream piece of 2018: Spring Lamb! Enjoy!

0 6

Y'all: Nintendo ain't ever gonna announce Smash on the Switch stop asking for it

Nintendo, on March 8, 2018:

116 377

“With Lara hot on their trail, Trinity is on high alert and armed with a new command officer, who is ready for any surprises Lara may have in store for them.” |

ECCC 2018: Dark Horse Heads To Antarctica With

0 1

Dropping today my piece “Pirouette” selected for Laurel Art Guild Juried Exhibition @ Montpelier Arts Center in Maryland, Mar–Apr 2018: very excited with this show

7 18

28.02.2018: Старт. Отвожу душу экспериментальщиной. Уэс всем своим символизмом предупреждает, что порежет неуместные сущности.

1 7

ECCC 2018: Marvel’s Next Big Thing With Cates, Soule, Burrows, Anka, Brisson, Rosenberg & Shan

3 6

Day 1 of Favorite character!
A collab between myself and of their OC, Alice!
It's busy for both of this month so these will definitely be inconsistent, but we're gonna try and do as many as we can!
Sketch by Van, lines and color by me c:

1 1

day 243: some Imperial advisors.
The prompt for this guy was “jump.”

1 1

Nanoreno 2018: Staying on track with story choices

0 2

Another one for Fanart 2018: this time, it's Dandara, from !

38 154

The Fall Of The

1858: "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand"

1973: "I Am Not A Crook"

2018: “WITCH HUNT!”

66 102

me years ago: man I'm so glad I developed my art past the My Japanese Animes stage
me in TYOOL 2018: watashi wa hack artist desu✌(。'・ω・` 。)

1 17

Ones to Watch 2018: publisher Same Paper > Supported by

1 5

Random 2018: practice artwork. Girl with sunkissed skin and blue eyes.

0 1

2005: Decide to become an animator.
2008: 2nd year in animation school.
2018: 7 years in the industry.

Sometimes it's fun to look back at where you were and think about how you got to where you are.

8 42

Me at the beginning of 2018 vs me 52 days into 2018:

16 92