Me: hey brain it's been awhile since we've slept, should we sleep now?

Brain: nah, we should draw something that doesn't make any sense.

Me: Uh, like what?

Brain: Kita in ChongYun's clothes from genshin impact

7 17

Me: We have three unfinished assignment. Due today.
Brain: ...ochanae.
Me: Wha-

3 13

me, a year ago, oblivious: here’s my main girl, the love of my life, my perfect daughter, and here’s her husband

me, now, rotting brain: here’s my boy, my son, my absolute little shit whom i love, and his wife

my other 50 OCs that i haven’t drawn in years:

4 40

me: *breathes*
brain: ur feelings aint real you dont like *insert character name*
me: what- how
brain: U r a dumb bitch ur feelings ain't REAL THATS IT
my ADHD ass when its see Mineo or rü does something cute in RP as him:

0 1

My hand: Bunny ears or cat ears?

My brain: yes

0 0

Brain: You should work on the other art projects you have, and go to sleep since you have work tomorrow
Me: haha sad art go brrrrrr

0 2

Me: I want to sketch some Alexander of Brennenburg/Amnesia TDD stuff.

Brain: Hands??? We make messy messy hands.

0 17

Eyes in Hellsing OVA: *exist*
My brain: It's free real estate

1 8

small brain: stealing your bf’s shirt
galaxy brain: stealing the shirt your bf bought specifically to annoy you and throwing it right back in his face as a Challenge

2 10

Me: want to draw something romance for 11.11
My brain:

36 325

my brain: you CANT just post bottom Cas after 15x18
me: ,,,, but what else then
my brain:
my brain: ah shit ur right

0 3

Me, just trying to vibe:
My brain: HEY wanna draw some ANGST
Me: H–

Yeah anyways

2 2

Me: *laying in bed relaxing*
Brain: *Remembers the lyrics to Memories of You from Persona 3*

0 6

me: okay don’t get a new dumb obsession, don you dare do it, whatever you do just don’t.
My brain:

0 2

Me: drawing Silus busts isn't really helpful for my artistic growth
My brain: ✨Purble ✨

0 20

Brain: So, Weasel. You have Netflix now. What's the first thing you want to watch?
Me: Inuyasha.
Brain: ... Why Inuyasha?
Me: Cause I never watched it and why not Inuyasha?
Brain: Fair enough.

0 7

Mars: hey here's my moth to draw for the raffle prize i won
Me: oh cool, a cute moth!
Brain: remember how you used to have a moth sona? Whatever happened to all that art...
Me: guess I should... Draw him 100% new and from scratch?

7 21