# thenewschoolofthevisualarts jupiter fl patricksaunders patricksaundersfineart patricksaundersfinearts patsaunders pleinairstreaming saundersfinearts floralpainting floral floralpaintingworkshop florida mauipleinairpaintinginvitational hibiscus oilpainting clementine peinturedujour petitformat naturemorte peinture atelierboubok harryboudchicha frenchpainter frenchartist art2017 artist2017 paris14 figuredrawing figure drawingart parisart tommy peinturefraîche format nudeart nude lifedrawing paris harry2017 modelevivant model watercolor watercolour watercolorpainting aquarelle acquarello wetroad mountainroad art artsy sketch nature landscapepainting landscape road wildpleinart artdeco bronze sculpture dancer forsale marriotthotel antiquesfair theatre foliesbergeres moulinrouge hickmetfinearts suzy bigeyes illustration portrait tableau annee2018 painting art2018 artist2018 harry2018 figurativepainting gothunder artinfo artworks print repost artpromotion artgallery stillife monoprint selfie music girl vendredilecture lecture atelier paintingart artwork artclass finearts2017 joshua_tree san_gabriel_mountains 29_palms markhafemanfinearts colors markhafeman divinelightimages figurepainting watercolors waterbrush needpractice happiness love bouquet flowers energy peace bright petportrait dogportrait petportraiture dogpainting petpainting petportraitartist petportraitpainter lhasaapso tableaudujour esquisse étude dessin bamako mali drawing coppiniacademyoffinearts portraitpainting oilportrait portraitpainter sanantonio museumoffinearts

I'm teaching a three-day workshop at in Feb. 28th-March 2nd.

Class size is limited, so call the New School to register: 1-561-295-5712

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Reminds me of an exploding firework. "A Splash of Red" oil, 5x7, available at February's Mini-Painting Silent Auction.

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A few examples of the talented student artists we have !

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Ivan Aivazovsky "Passage of the jews through the Red Sea" (1891)

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🎨 Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helicon, 1680

👨‍🎨 Claude Lorrain (c. 1600 – 23 Nov 1682) was a French painter.

🏛 Boston

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