Really hype of !
Wasn't able to make fanart yet but here are a few of my fave Goji pics~

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These images bring me so much joy. MonsterVerse visuals are so consistently stunning. Some of the best recent Hollywood blockbusters have to offer.

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Godzilla vs Kong vs Giant Military Cat

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Whenever I see Kyle Chandler show up in

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Neon is my love as well, this has great secrets coming, deserves the big screen 👏🎥🙏🤖🦍

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fans! Have you seen the trailer?!?

Rootin for tbh. Did a in 2010 for a proj I need to revamp. Anyone want merch?

ALSO! I want to discuss theories for film (post self plug)!👇🏽

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I'm pretty sure that's ma' boi MechaGODzilla

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Como eu queia q fosse o filme de Godzilla vs Kong

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Since is trending, hi I’m Christian and I’m a Godzilla fan. I love drawing Kaiju

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Are they bringing other monsters back???

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OKAY I FEEL LIKE A I GOTTA EXPLAIN WHY MECHAGODZILLA IS COMING TO SO FIRST OFF, Godzilla's Dorsal plates are square, and only his neck is glowing red, which means he's not in burning state, and his usual blue atomic breath isn't a thing right now!

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but I drew it in like 10 minutes

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I’ve loved Godzilla since I was little, and I love the Legendary movies. The saga will end with a fucking DBZ fight

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