Trakhir pak Takaaa---
Saya hanya bisa simple chibi kawaii gitu pak- maafkan bila berbeda selera ( i꒳​i )

27 115

tes gambar pak taka tampang galau (?)

4 17

I can't sleep;; Pak nitip ya, hari ini mereka cerewet banget soalnya, Cia jadi ga bisa bobo 🐧💦#Taka_Radjimart

32 171

Good luck for tomorrow's endurance stream Pak Taka!

10 70

Thank you for singing Snow Halation and Virtual to Live 😭

18 101

Pak Taka after office hour www

25 83

ああ〜月曜日の狂気が始まる! ! 😪😱

14 72

i'm a few days late but i agree with Zea's ghost are region locked theory

42 138

Taka's Childhood!?


9 59


At last completed eating lunch 3setBBQ in restaurant.
(is this sentence correct…?)

28 122