5,100 BP. Half-human & half-bull figure was probably intentionally buried. https://t.co/9eroIquH0L

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Tell Brak hoard, gold and lapis lazuli jewellery,2300-2100 BC. https://t.co/40Gmm62VJN

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Siberian silver bear plaque, 6th-5th c BC.https://t.co/Qtjd7sttIe LA County Museum of Art

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Greco-Persian panther,3rd–1st c BC. https://t.co/t9IDLGAH28 Princeton University Art Museum

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Scythian gold bracelet,6th-5th centuries BC https://t.co/E3syDyDuu4 Hermitage Museum

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Inlaid gold Sarmatian belt buckle,4th-1st centuries BC https://t.co/LdBOWzCkc9

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Achaemenid gold medallion, 6th-5th century BC https://t.co/HU95WkiCZf Brooklyn Museum

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Scythian sheath detail from Chertomlyk,4th c BC https://t.co/jx8sYgn7AG Hermitage museum

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Scythian gold stag, 4th-3rd century BC https://t.co/iQ6Z2GbBgc Phoenix Ancient Art

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Nomadic bronze ,8th century BC https://t.co/iIEscEBlEN Le Musée d'Anthropologie Monaco

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Sothern siberian bronze feline, 5th-4th century BC https://t.co/EWY3SRpON0

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ca. 2,500 year old terracotta alabastron (perfume vase)
in form of a woman holding a dove
East Greece

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Proto-Elamite silver goat 3000BC https://t.co/tT39XblXyl Museum Fine Arts Houston

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Tillya Tepe,gold inlaid buckle 1st c BC https://t.co/BEOXv4tEFg National Museum Kabul

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Gold inlaid buckle,bear & ibex 1st cent BC–1st cent AD https://t.co/pPs91Y8o34 Met Museum

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from the vaults: wari skeleton with cranial modification art!

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Bronze belt plaque 2nd century BC https://t.co/NdrJ5NkZ5H Arthur M. Sackler Foundation

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