``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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``Nikaria. Goddess of war´´

Battlefields are like canvas and red pigment is their color. A powerful magic accompanies her every step, a power that only gods can have.


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Rocket Kongs are Moving up in the World.

Thanks to our 3 Companies we were able to secure a Yacht from as well

See ya'll onboard after we Win it All!

The Rocket Kongs Association has been out here aquiring assets for our Club!
Taking the metaverse to another Level!

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Saturday the 27th, tomorrow, a selection of my work from the last three decades is still up on our walls at Nel Gallery, 117 Long Street, Cape Town. It closes at 2 pm. The show accompanies the launch of a book on my practice. contact us to order a copy. admin.co.za

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Writes a social media post breaking down how Black Friday deals aren't actually deals if you compare the prices over time and the entire thing is a farce made up by companies to push their bottom lines at a specific time of year.

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A couple companies I've also worked with include World of Game Design (WOG) https://t.co/NaYpnZMnsQ and GooeyCube https://t.co/T4ZgLASwAt. Each have fantastic stuff products coming down the pipe! Keep an eye out for them!

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pamp companies: if you ever need advice on prints for these things. i'm always here

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