Here's what the pins are to look like on their backing cards. There's two weeks left to preorder, and after I'll be selling the remaining pins. Buy both designs for a small discount!!

0 2

You know I'm always saying my subscribers are the first to receive news/info/offers?

This is your 1 week warning that they can grab an exclusive 50% pre-order discount!

My next newsletter goes out on 21 May.

Sign up by then if you'd like to enjoy it!

2 10

Only till the next Monday (20.05.2019) you can buy Dream Alone on Steam with -65% discount! Check it now on:

1 1

HELLO! I'm finally back after a ton of traveling, & my webstore is re-stocked including all-new Purple Daughter trades, shiny Variants, trades, & so much more! SPRINGY22 at checkout for a 22% discount!

36 199

During June-August commissions are available in this colored sketch style. This will allow me some extra time for projects & you get a cool discount!
❓Details & TOS:
📩Email to reserve a spot:

1 4

Grab a copy of on Steam with a whopping -70% discount!

Fight for your freedom in the hand-drawn top-down shooter set in the Wild West!

2 4

Take a look at this new cute & tiny BJD from Myou Doll, they are so lovely. A privilege to get a 15% OFF is also offered!
NOTE: Stock Item is not included for a discount!

2 7

Super Neptunia™ RPG comes to the West on PlayStation®4 and Nintendo Switch™ on 6/25 (NA) and 6/28 (EU). The Steam® version releases on 6/20 with a weeklong 20% OFF launch discount!

Check out the Iffy-cial Website!

Store Page:

246 705

I apply a discount on my old FE keychains in my Etsy store, they have a 20% discount!
Check it in the next link:

I will make some new FE merchand soon, so, I don't print them anymore~ (except if anyone pre-order them hahaha)


12 15

Luxury Designer Mutt Adopt! Crafted with skill only $30(A $5,970 Discount!)

22 228

Death end re;Quest™ boots up on on May 16 with a Deluxe Pack! Both the game and the Deluxe Pack will be available with a WEEKLONG 20% OFF discount! Add to your wishlist today!

Full Details:

Store Page:

110 287

I'm very happy to announce the preorders for my pin, as well as my own, very first pin! As a special offer during the preorders, you can get both pins at a discount! Check out the form here:

17 56

A couple more previews!

Pinkie Pie Bard finally available online, get the whole set at a discount! Also, choose a free World of Meowcraft pin or keychain of your choice when you buy the poster, Me-WOW! 👇

22 103

Okay so... looks like I’ll have to order that Spyro game onlineeeee so I’m going to open 4 sale slots to do it! $15 headshot sketches, first come first serve!! Coloring included!! This is a 50% off discount!!
Pwease help me get this game so I can play with my partner waaaaa

18 108

The Moero Chronicle™ Hyper Iffy-cial website has been updated with character bios for the main characters!

Moero Chronicle Hyper releases digitally on the Nintendo Switch™ on 4/26 for $19.99 with a WEEKLONG 30% OFF discount!

eShop page coming soon!

83 269

I'm here to announce that now with four major releases on my bandcamp, I've enabled the option for people to download them all for a 30% discount! This includes my first two original albums, so please check them out if you haven't!

2 10

We are proud to announce our sponsorship with Be sure to use code: Hyperality to get your discount!

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Their fate lies in your hands, what choices will you make?
TOKYO CHRONOS, our latest VR visual novel release, is available on Steam now with a 7% off launch discount!

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