Niceeeee! 🎉🎉

But now that I have this on Kimi, it's way too sexy for her. She's so innocent, I don't even think she understands the implications.

0 27


1 10

Thanx for the cute rec!


0 4

Meet my for now final 3-Okuri the dog yokai/Misuzu the succubus/Hisa the tiger yokai <3

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0 12

Some of my girls’ mothers~! ❀
The Velinu’s mother, Sivisara’s mother, Naerisali’s mother, and Rurisoka’s mother.

1 28

This app pack is a steal 2 MRs for the price of one.

3 22

Adorable recs from Mellemon again~ <3 Now I wonder if I'll get money for my birthday o.o

1 17

I love this MR! But I love most Seifuku outfits (人´∀`*)thank you Rena!

1 17

Who do I have to sell my soul to in order to get here?!

0 11

Got some great recs from Mellemon~ I do love the one Aria got. So sad that I missed it. Rain is the best!

0 4

It's flippen cold outside

2 16

I've been getting spoiled with all these recs ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

1 18

Tweeting Akki so I can create some alternate girls xD <3 they'll be back soon^_^

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Aria in one of my old favourites. Techno clothes are so fun.

0 4

"It really is Autumn now!( ̄▽ ̄)"

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Here are the others using the random number generator. Aria has pizza that is on fire at least.

0 3

Got some great recs from Mellemon again~ Aria is my favourite.

0 3

Mayu is taking a dog for a walk for the first time, and it has her running after it!

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