FanArt by Me!!

Erza Scarlet mode Zombie ♡♡♡

I hope you like :'D <3

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I would pay anything to see Erza blush like this always😂🤣
Original art by
Lineart and colored by me❤️

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Un coloreo de Erza antes de la desgracia XDD Bueno este fue un trabajo rapido para no perder la costumbre de colorearla a ella XD
Espero les guste n.n

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Estuve un poco ocupado terminando algunas comisiones, pero ya vine a dibujar a mi besto waifu de Fairy Tail <3
Nunca había hecho a algún personaje con este sweater y si lo se, tal vez ya paso de moda, pero, pues me vale :v

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day 7 is from because she pushes herself always beyond her limits and even if exhausted she continues fighting for her guild

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Omg, she has such an amazing power! I wish I could change my clothes at will!!!!! Haha, wouldn't that be amazing? ✨

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“No mueras por tus amigos, ¡vive por ellos!” 👆


Cosplay: Erza Scarlet (Armadura del Cielo)💕
Photography and Edition by 📷✨


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I went through these main steps to create Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail!

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Thank you sensei for the best DJ ever XDD
The party arrived with DJ Erza <3
I loved it so much that I stopped everything I was doing to color it <3 <3

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from my Patreon !
[ ]
$1 Request Pool + Lots More!!

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although i saw my hero academia recently,i love Jellal forever

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Erza Scarlet, <3 best girl

Color by Me
LineArt by THANKS!!

I hope you like :)

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