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『FF16』の続報について吉田Pよりコメントが発表「当初想定から5~6か月の開発遅延がある」「次の情報公開は2022年春頃」 | FF14速報 https://t.co/YpS1a90aIE https://t.co/FG6w8n6sHF
FFファン「『FF14』の6.0発売が延期したけど『FF16』の開発は大丈夫なの?2021年に出す予定の続報は?」 | FF14速報 https://t.co/ELmGl3ZPij https://t.co/FG6w8n6sHF
#ffxvi When FF16 was announced I started working on a speculative poster of Sanbreque's Dominant. Between my health and possible reveal of Sanbreque today I am just putting it out here now in it's unfinished state.
So uhhhh.. are we all going to go Final Clowntasy when FF16 isn't shown tomorrow/tonight?
When FF15 was announced, @Slackaholicus @tehMorag and I played every main number @FinalFantasy leading up to the release.
Give us that FF16 release date so we can do it again and break out our party member art.
El Summoner fue el nuevo job en la 2.0, y en general me decepcionó bastante porque parecía más un Warlock que un Summoner.
Ahora con el rework sí que parece un Summoner de verdad, con summons y ataques fusionados (se notan las vibes de FF16)
Que sea ya noviembre ;_;
3⃣スクエニ、TGS 2021ではFF16の新情報はなし
Can’t stop thinking about Final Fantasy XVI… 💜 As anxious as I am to play it, I know the wait will be worth it!
#FFXVI #FF16 #SquareEnix
スクエニ吉田P「『FF16』は早めにリリースしたい」←いつになると思う? | FF14速報 https://t.co/L3n0a3rhZw https://t.co/FG6w8n6sHF
スクエニ吉田P「『FF16』の売りとなる部分はまだ見せてない(ニヤリ)」←これ | FF14速報 https://t.co/UPLTumZzag https://t.co/FG6w8n6sHF