Two doodles from Foolish stream earlier :]

2 22

Foolish yes

God Foolish yes

Demon Foolish yes


1 20

Since no one is putting FoolishG fanart on my feed, I’m doing it myself. Enjoy some funky golden shark demigod guy.

3 29

I'm pretty sure Phil joked about his character being pen pals with Foolish and I think that's the greatest idea ever... SO HERE ARE MY HEADCANONS/IDEAS FOR IT +

1861 13106

Behold!! a shift dance battle to end all battles 😂 This is my first time attempting to draw any of these characters.

6 36

- The Foolish Zeus arc,,, Whew,,
- :o) (I know he isn't gonna see it but an enby can dream)

2 17

Society if everyone looked at cat Foolish RIGHT NOW

5 27

Still struggling with a good design for Foolish. :')

3 36