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*Lachlan and the rest of the Mane Six agree with Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, Spike noticed Celestia and Luna looking up at the sky seeming uncertain about something*

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Scooby: Yeah, you were awesome out there, Puppycorn!

Puppycorn: Aw thanks, but it was my dream girl who had the crowd dancing!

Winona: *chuckle* You were epic as well, and you too Lachlan, you were incredible!

Lachlan: Hey, WE were incredible, together!

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Pinkie Pie: That’s the spirit! Welp, gotta get the rest of the flyers pasted up! See you tonight at 9! *she heads off*

Winona: 9 o clock? How are we gonna write a song and rehearse a dance routine before then?

Lachlan: 💡 We could do a song COVER instead and save lots of time!

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Pinkie Pie: How do these flyers look?

Lachlan: They look epic Pinkie!

*Scooby, Winona and Puppycorn wondered what Lachlan and Pinkie Pie were up to*

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Spike: She won’t really eat those mice, right?

Lachlan: This is Unikitty! Of course she wouldn’t! *then has a shocked look* ...I’ve been wrong before...

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Lachlan: Good thing dingoes like rabbits for food, and mice for friends!

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Applejack: That’s the newest member of Lachlan’s family!

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Lachlan: Hi Pinkie! Scooby, Winona, Puppycorn and I made up a singing group! Now all we need is a name...

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Lachlan: Really?!

Winona: You bet your tail it is! I do some singing myself, did you boys want to hear?

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Puppycorn: We did!

Lachlan: What’d you guys (and girl) think?

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*one day, Lachlan was singing his favourite song “Speed Me Up” for fun*

Lachlan:🎵I’m dealin’ with this pain, I just can’t let you come throw it away-ay-ay-ay!🎵

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Sweetie Belle: What’d Princess Luna tell you?

Lachlan: She told me that babies come from “Number two”, so when I was Junior’s age, I kept checking the toilets for a baby!

Mane Six: Seriously?!

Celestia: *chuckles* Yes.

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Lachlan: It’s true though, plus it’s better than what Auntie Luna told me.

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Sweetie Belle: I do wonder where Junior came from sometimes...

Lachlan: *decides not to question it* That’s easy! From your tummy!

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Puppycorn: Ooh, what are the girls gonna do to him?

*the four dogs brainstorm what they THINK the girls would do*

Lachlan: My guess? Clear wrap on the toilet seat! I always get Auntie Luna with that one.

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Puppycorn: Wow! ...Who’s her best friend again? *joking*

Lachlan: *chuckles* Me.

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Lachlan: *heard Twilight sniffling* Hi cousin!! *hugs her* Did you hear us howling?

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Lachlan: No, but she is smelly! *he does the funny sand trick again*

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