Bond Street pipe tobacco (1942).

May cause hallucinations...

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My Hallucination

Yah, this is. I dunno what to say, but drawing with 16 color somehow challenging, but the output turn yo be simple. Maybe I'll try for 24 tomorrow?
Btw, next draw will be buttercup... So wait it!

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引き続きRelease Hallucination BOOTHでは期間限定5th Single"ANIMA"CD&グッズ通販を行います。

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One of the "angels" that haunt the same hallucinatory desert. Maybe there are cults out here that follow them and try to make sense of their nature. They don't talk, though, or even really seem to have anything they want to say

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🎵VR空間 音楽即売会 Music Vket3🎵
 2021年11月14日(日) 19:00~21:00
 FP-10 "Release Hallucination"

いよいよ最終日!今夜のコアタイムはVKet3にアクセスしてRelease Hallucinationに会いに来よう!メンバー2人でお待ちしています。時刻前にTwitterでインスタンスをお知らせいたします😊

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 東京ビッグサイト 10:00~16:00
 2日目(金) 南ら-33b "Release Hallucination"


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🎵VR空間 音楽即売会 Music Vket3🎵
 2021年11月6日(土)10:00~11月14日(日) 23:00
 FP-10 "Release Hallucination"

5th Single ANIMA DL版、他旧作
BOOTH, Bandcamp, Melonbooksで販売中!

今夜はMusic Vket3にアクセスしてRelease Hallucinationに会いに来よう!メンバー2人でお待ちしています。

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my roomie asked what I was drawing and i had to explain "Jake, but the hospital he was in blew up and hes hallucinating wildly and trying to survive the end of the world"

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Hallucination problems...

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Issues to solve: the English countryside is hallucinating and we’ve misplaced an alien. Also my best friend is depressed and I’m trying to navigate life with two girlfriends. And now someone with my face is murdering people. More powers more problems, right?

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【Release Hallucination BOOTH】
5th Single "ANIMA" CD&グッズ通販を開始しました。

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[C4D] Hallucinations... ⚠

Are real? 🎤🎩


Scott Cawthon - SWS - Illumix - Edits by me

8 51

We think "Machine Hallucinations - NYC" by is one of those collections that every serious NFT collector will eventually realize they need to own. We are proud to add these two 💎💎(#718 and to the NFT500 Vault 🏦.

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story time: when bendy and the ink machine first came out, the same night or the night after i got into it, i hallucinated the fucking thing's shadow in my doorway

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私も昨日Music Vket3のRelease Hallucinationブースに行ってきたんだけど見事に写真撮り忘れちゃったので、VRでのリリハルがどんな感じか今夜その目でみんな確かめに来るといいんじゃないかな~!!

4 3

5th Single "ANIMA" DL版 商品ページが公開されました。

Release Hallucination BOOTH

Release Hallucination Bandcamp

8 10

i liked what gotham did with eds hallucination of oswald but also they were pussies. go all in with the drowned aesthetic. dont just throw some moss on him and call it a day u loser make him soggy and gross

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Thank you for the tag and turning me into this space Ben!

My name is Alejandro and I am a dark artist. I am mostly inspired by dreams, nightmares, hypnogogic hallucinations, sleep paralysis, and mental health.

My latest mint:

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