internal competition theme happy lunar new year - valentine. TINGKAT MANGA FOR TEEN (SD 5-6)

0 0

Happy valentine...!スペルミスしてたのでついでにアニメにしました💌_(:3」∠)_

229 578

Give into madness, be my valentine.

0 0

Hey, just because we're just friends, don't mean I can't send him a valentine. Happy V-day 💖😘

1 3

So I asked to be my valentine... Guess what he said!? <3 <3

2 35

Shin wishes you a happy valentine.

13 79

Couldn't ask for a better valentine. ❤️

0 3

no valentine...😐

0 0

Be my Valentine.(バツレナ)

32 98


happy Valentine.デス。

0 5

エアチョコ Happy Valentine.

0 6

Happy Valentine....😌❤️💛🍫💫



2 12

.+*:゚+。.☆Happy Valentine.+*:゚+。.☆

3 18

Be my valentine...💙💝💖

28 68

happy valentine. somehow, i can't be more creative about it.

2 5

Have a Zeke Valentine.

3 24

手作りできなかったが、甘め抑えたものにしました(੭ु `;ω;´ )੭ु⁾⁾💖✨

0 16

contains both reasons why I shouldn't draw valentines or crash man
now back to pretending i don't exist

11 23