Rainbow Dash: You wanna meet my future self, little buddy?

Lachlan: How do you do that? You literally read my mind!

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Lachlan: *gives Rainbow a puppy kiss on her nose too*

Rainbow Dash: *gasps*

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D-Special: Stays the same in function, but Wario uses the WarioWare Bomb now instead of farting. It's a dud if it's not charged enough and the explosion shoots him upwards.

Final Smash: Stays as is, Wario Man is great.

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F-Smash: A forward kick like in SNES Wario's Woods and Project M.

D-Smash: The Earthquake Punch from Shake It, like in Project M.

U-Smash: Stays as is, but Wario now puts on the Bull Helmet from the early Land games, for added flair.

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And while I'm at it, explaining some of the design mishmash:
- Design based on that first artwork for Quote's design
- CS 3D's artwork for the Polar Star (love the polygonal look)
- Slightly inspired by Blade Strangers for the head shape
- And pose based on Crystal Crisis's

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Enjoy a great FREE Book
🎉Rising Tide is PERMA FREE🎉
Clean YA Paranormal Romance☠💖
293 Reviews 4.3🌟
Smash: https://t.co/qqDiXcyXXg
Zon: https://t.co/Ud9C5ulUzY
GP: https://t.co/Fkln4oqGRH

829 369

Rainbow Dash: He sure is adorable! Does he have a name?

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Rainbow Dash: Yep! Rescuing crocodiles up in Heaven now.

Lachlan: He’s pretty brave to take them on! Crocodiles give me the heebie jeebies! *teeth chattering*

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Monster: *squeezing Rainbow Dash*

Rainbow Dash: I... can’t... breathe...! Help....!!

Lachlan: *tries to distract the monster by being cute, giving Celestia and Luna some time to sneak attack it*

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Monster: *grabs Rainbow Dash*

Rainbow Dash: *gulp* Uh-oh...

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*an earthquake was shaking everypony off their hooves*

Rainbow Dash: What the hay was that?!

Applejack: You felt that too?

Twilight: *gasp* Girls, look!!

*Lachlan was running from something!*

Music: https://t.co/v8O0Wkmoiu

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Lachlan: Hi Sis!

Rainbow Dash: So, what’cha doing here in Griffonstone, kiddo?

Lachlan: Meeting a friend of Scootaloo’s.

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Rainbow Dash: And I know exactly where he is! All the way in Griffonstone! What do you say we give our bro a little surprise, Scoot?

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Honorable mentions, because I'm trash:

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i don't really tweet anymore because this app sucks and i only peek like twice a day for memes and art but for those of you still suffering with smash: play other fighting games smash sucks lmao. images relevant.

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Gone In A Flash: Why The Thing Thing Games Deserve To Be Remembered

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Pony Life Lachlan: You really think I’m awesome??

Pony Life Rainbow Dash: We all do, champ!

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BoogeyPony: *climbs through the window* I’M COMING FOR YOU, LACHLAN!!

Rainbow Dash: Okay, that’s actually pretty scary- ...Hey... wait a minute, that’s just a mask! *she pulls the mask off to reveal Master Frown*

Master Frown: *laughing* I SO got that dumb dog!

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Lachlan: Do you...?

Rainbow Dash: Well, *I* do, but if you are scared about sleeping tonight, I could spend the night with you if you’d like.

Lachlan: You’d really do that for me...? *Rainbow holds his face to look up to her’s*

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