
Let us not allow the UK to be ‘liberated’ from the EU only to be subjugated by the USA.

We are equal with our 27 allies.
We created the EU together.
Europe is our continent.
Without it we are vulnerable and go under.

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Trump ermuntert Briten zum harten Brexit und fordert sie auf, die finanziellen Verpflichtungen für die EU nicht zu erfüllen

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Christian Adams on Boris Johnson's claims about - political cartoon gallery in London

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Watching Boris Johnson getting confronted about the Brexit lie he put on that bus feels like I'm watching an adult bickering with a toddler.

The more I watch political stuff the more I realise how many more politicians I could draw in high chairs.

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From Windrush to Brexit by Rita Lazaro. One of the works of art you'll be able to see in our show in June. All entries are available to see and buy for a short while only in our online gallery shop.

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