Alright, I colored my Michael and Laurie drawing. Blame for getting me back into watching nostalgic slasher movies. Probably gonna draw Ghostface next uwu

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Wanted to draw something a lil different and drew huntress from dead by daylight

7 35

The Huntress from
There are many gorgeous women in the game, but Anna's bunny ears instantly captured my attention! Right before she literally captured me haha ^^;;
Pose reference: a 3D model by

1 11

a power trio in emo/punk clothing cuz i think they’re rly neat :>

11 40

Dead by Daylight killers but in the Identity V art style! I still have no idea these two games haven’t collaborated yet, despite helping each other making the games.

4 41

my dad saw this and asked if i was the person on the left (jake) and i was like “lol no” but inside i was like “god,, i wish i was fuuuuuuuuuk,,,” plz plz plz my sapphic ass just wants to give flowers to sweet girls all the time

5 19

it's new year's, so you can have a new drawing (painting?). as a treat. yes it's david king. yes i have a problem, i know

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The Fog Travelers Collection! (Featuring original cosmetics!)

78 206

Naughty children get a lantern beam to the face to atone for their crimes
I finally bought DbD you guys

126 404