honey really gets as mad as Soulburner when he's mad (really though, I like how it's clear that Edo still has a lot of issues witnessing death... ofc he would)

0 7

He just looks good......

0 4

I mean geez Judai at least it took you snapping from losing your friends Amon just be like "heck yea throw away myself sacrifice my love yeaaaaaaaa" LOL

0 6

thheee expressionssss in this arc hhrrgghhh

0 3

this is like o: pikachu meme but sad

0 5

he just looks good here thanks

0 4

~Yu-gi-oh~ (seriously though is this like, written on the door in fine print)

0 5

(fixates on every time Ryo is shown caring this arc)

0 7

EDO please he's... baby.... that's not how it works here honey 😔just 'cause a lady's gonna die...

0 5

Edo being super pressed about a stranger's love life is really cute lol

0 5


0 5

You tryin' to say something here......

0 8

Judai: god damnit I'm about to lose another one aren't I

0 7

He is so sweet but I also think a little bit of this is "oh fuck if I get Exodia'd I will actually die"

0 8

not in the middle of a duel!!!

0 9

is this written in tiny print on the door, or

0 6

I mean nothing in this arc goes right so,

0 7

Edo being a cocky little shit gives me vast energy

0 7