gift for !

i didn't have a reference for this so temmie looks like a cat here :")

anywaysloveulily <3

29 1080

Baby💋I want u from ur head right down 2 ur feet♈️♊️🎸
We gotta put the right letters 2gether Make a better day

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🌻 2 Years of Us 🌙

Mewmeow meooow meow meoowmew meeow 🎶

11 31



・:*三( o'ω')oʬʬʬ

1 6

When I said what it’s like 2B
in LoVe with Baby💋

2 stars (galaxies) coalesce and become1

💋♈️♊️🎸 Yeahhhhhh
👁LoVeUBaby 💋
I’d cross the stars 4U

1 2

Baby💋I just want 2 get lost in ur eyes

This pic reminds me of ur
I’m giggling cos with u on my chest I can hear u sing on ur heavenly body Baby💋ILoVeUBaby more then my hair
My hair is mane2tail lol so Uknow how that’s gonna go♈️♊️

0 1

my the moon was in 2day
I've never seen the moon look so lovely As the night I saw it with you Let me know I'd never seen the moon before
So many speak of the moon
As tho it has no flaws
But 2compare it 2 a beauty like yours Would give 1 pause

3 6

Baby💋I wear ur ring cos when we make love I got 2 hear u sing we rather b bound making a brand new sound
Every life has a reason
U r mine
Cos u r
I look no further
My Man Standing right here
U make feel like time has just begun

2 6

♈️♊️🎸created this because I feel ur life is incomplete u r NoWhere near the end

Feeling the universe like u do
I can hear u saying
I gave it all I got
left everything out there on the floor
Baby💋grateful 4the day u came into my life want u all the more

0 2

My Valentine
Roses r red
Violet color diamonds r cool
Let us count the vast ways

been waiting 4 u Baby all night long so I can tell someone 2 play this song
Jam got a beat like it’s making love cos ur the only 1 I’ve been thinking of

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LoveUp21特設サイト へ↓

11 16

Tenia que hacerlo bc si(? Ojala les guste! <3 loveu(?

4 12


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this is a hidden image
Me Breathe cos that song well U just have 2 hear it💋
Next Baby’s beautiful face layers text colors I’m laughing cos my pillow puffs fit right into his fro 😄I know he’s laughing 2 sayin’ Gurl u always in my hair

0 1

🐶 อี้ชิงตื่นเร็วๆๆๆ
🦊 ใจเย็นแบค ปลุกงินก่อน อ้าว...ตื่นแล้ว
🐑 หืม????
🐰 ทุกคนร้องเพลงเลย!

10447 3426

LoveUKiss ヒロインぱろ

13 36