숲속의 멋진 오뉴님
+신의상 다 그려온다... 조만간

1 4

when onyu accidentally touched minwoo's chest and he told her to take responsibility bc he thought she felt his heart beating so fast for her 😭❤️

4 24

minwoo: im not walking you home because im afraid you cannot go home alone but im walking you home because i want to be with you.

hes being so obvious that he likes onyu but of course onyu doesnt take it seriously😭 she thinks hes only teasing her

2 2

onyu touched minwoo's chest and felt his heart beating so fast sjdjdjdj the doki doki is here!!

minwoo: take a responsibility for it.
onyu: responsibility...?! what for!!
minwoo: you touched my chest, didnt you...:<

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낚시 더빙만화 그 후~
녹안즈 짱친먹었으면 좋겠다ὣ

104 542

투명 포카&떡메모지 도안 배포>!!:3

(떡메모지 도안+포카 다운 링크는 타래)

235 994

죄송합니다:; 보자마자 생각난게 이거였어요

39 242

저만 가지긴 아까워서 대롱 아크릴 키링 도안 배포합니다!
https://t.co/286AIIZGnZ https://t.co/OY1YFq09iy

49 183

출처 남기면 사용 가능합니당!

141 512