Kennedy's pet portrait painting...more progress -

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Now started a second compilation painting of Aja Europa, follow the link to see my first compilation painting...

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Old painting...from 2011. I don't believe I'll ever finish this, so I'm just posting a progress. ^^;

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En orden, como voy, a lineart y lo que voy a lograr... Matte Painting...

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done my painting...hohohohohoho

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Progress on Kaylee's pet portrait painting... -

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First attempt at vector painting...Suarez 7..

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hint of my next digital painting.....any guesses? 😏

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Really like this painting... Xx

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Gorgeous Wonder Woman painting...

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Trying a new way of painting... without any lineart. So far I love the effect I get. ^_^

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New Painting....SHAZAAM!!! Am I late for the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?

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