When I heard that had cancer I was in shock. Had to draw him a get well card. Stay strong Techno. Fuck cancer!

1 9

Sending support for your speedy recovery sir, Technoblade never dies.

1 13

Take your time to recovery techno, we'll wait for your glorious victory. Kick those cancers ass mate

0 1

techno es uno de mis youtubers favoritos por muchas razon y yo se que esto no va pertir que tencho siga siendo el mismo, y me alegro muchismo que technosupport sea trending en muchos paises incluyendo el mio mexico :]

9 206

you got this techno! Kick cancers ass!

0 4

THANKFUL FOR ALL THE LAUGHS YOU CAUSED you fucking bacon. i wish you the best❤️

6 55

Technoblade never dies <33


4 20

Get well soon techno! ❤️❤️

1 3

Wishing Techno a fast recovery, get well soon! <3

0 20

Health care is the most important
But also subscribing to technoblade is important
Subscribe to technoblade
Cause technoblade never dies

3 10

Wishing him a healthy recovery! Stay strong Techno!

4 22

wear masks, and get vaccinated if u can!
^_^ <3

2 24

I hope that you have a full and speedy recovery and get well soon!

1 3

Some-dude-noblade? You mean the strongest warrior in the universe?

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Techno!! 💙💙

4 32