Rion, protagonist of Kisaragi Yukino's Banken Inu (King & Watchdog Girl) is the cover girl of Ciao's August issue which also features new fashion model series Kirameki Runway by Fujita Hasumi. The first volume of Banken Inu is in stores with the 2nd volume to follow on August 1.

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Kizuna Kirameku Koi Iroha (絆きらめく恋いろは) by . 1 Hour 🎮🏆😁

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Primeiramente: Estou assustado com a repercussão disso... Meo God.
Segundamente: Meu nome é Lars, eu leio um monte de mangá, toco umas música de vez em quando e gosto de desenhar homem sem camisa.

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Ajigasawa, a town in Japan, promotes local cuisine with two mascots, Zukedon and Hirame—a sentient bowl of rice and a halibut that lives on its head.

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primeiramente: meus parabéns! você merece 💓
segundo: oi! me chamo gabe e eu amo desenhar fanarts, porém ainda pretendo postar mais do meu trabalho original :D

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クリムト展に行く前に のお財布買ってしまった。

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Primeiramente, quero agradecer pelo apoio de vcs! Já chegamos a mais de 500 seguidores. Sei q ainda é pouco mas eu não ligo p isso. Obrigada mesmo!!

O desenho de hj é do jogo Fire Emblem Heros, Roy e Lilina (chibi). Eu ia pintar o fundo mas... me deu uma preguiça.

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Cover for Negiramen's () fanfic inspired by my paintings! Coming soon:

I'll post full process, high res pics, & animation to Friday for tier & higher

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今年もキャラ大とSHOW BY ROCK!!を応援しにイっちゃうよ☆ シュウ☆ゾーくんは \僕たちの!/\未来は!/KIRAMEKI夢銀河フューチャーさっ☆☆☆かっこいい

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Some of the standard stuff + I’m going to expirament with some charm commissions too

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Kirame's natural hair color is blond! If he doesn't redye it often, his roots won't be blue ^^ My other WIPs are taking too long, so this is just a quick drawing~

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primeiramente, parabéns
olá, eu sou a Queenie e eu curto desenhar umas galáxias e estrelas 💖💫

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