ellora cave temple cave architecture and engineering brilliance is unparalleled..

41 151

"Ok, let's stop blaming each other for the crash landing, and figure out how we're gonna get out of this." From Maurice's Valises: Chaturanga https://t.co/d46UAVv21y

1 1

Juntos haremos historia.

(Diseños: Guillermo Uranga Flores).

101 326

Dalam kelas korang ada member yang perangai macam ni? 😄

7 3


Keterangan lebih rinci tertera pada flyer. Kalian berminat? Bisa DM admin ya ;)

2 1

Karya: Imanimex

Fikir panjang dulu. Kenapa mak ayah awak tak bagi telefon. jangan main mintak tanpa fikir perasaan mereka.

Ingat, kunci syurga kita pada ibu bapa.

Jangan sakiti mereka dengan perangai selfish macam ni. Sedih admin mendengarnya.

2 7

122: Illustration design by ranganath krishnamani https://t.co/Za2TplwyIO

2 9

[RT Appreciated!!]
1 From 3 Artwork DONE!!! Horny boy Belial!!!
i will draw more Grangay Fantasy for this month (March) reward :D .. Be my Patron and you can get up to 2-3 Artwork of the Month!
Please support meeeee !!! orz >> https://t.co/t1orVd7H1D

15 67

Cute kawaii "Young Turanga by Arumi-Kun


Source: https://t.co/ldyi4d2JRz

4 12

Finally right things are placing at right place,& I’m glad to see it happening.. my new collection which will be out very soon..!

1 3

Forgot her name from that Danganarangan game

1 15

Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra)

125 339

Remedios Varo Uranga (1908-1963) She is known as one of the world famous para-surrealist artists of the 20th Century.

1 5

Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi, dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin

18 45

Sikit simple keterangan pasal Trump, Israel & ambil alih Baitul Maqdis.

By Ig: If_Moses

18 7

M. is in primary school - they usually do the best they can!!

(Missed out on yesterday because i went to Tauranga - I'll do today's one later on)

0 1

Scarlet tanager (piranga olivacea)#painting

83 182

Caroline de Kerangal is our featured dealer for today's - Find them on instagram here https://t.co/QJsQI46T9C

3 6