//=time() ?>
Also here is my favourite boi from Storm Lovers (another otome game I miss terribly and haven't done some guys' routes).
Mio is so cute akdbskdbjd
The Wellington Street Stairs have been fenced off due to construction! Visit our website for more information on alternate walking routes!
It's Azura's birthday today! Easily one of Fates' best characters, but I didn't think that until a while after I played through all of Fates' routes. Her support conversations are amazing.
Course, I'll also always be attached to her as Inigo's wife and Soliel's mother.
i really like the idea of percy's mechanic routes coming into play in ffxiv and like. putting magitek stuff back together,
naughty cats get carried by the pointy hand
The poll picked Cesar, the flirt! His hair is really hard to draw, dear lord asdfghjkl
Quick Project Progress Report for my Princess Debut dub:
Day 8 out of 30 done, 20 pages written, 55 art pieces, 3 of 7 routes established https://t.co/bDWnCA7r67
New project added to the showcase by @StudiodotBuild
A playful, tongue-in-cheek illustrated world for Virgin America to promote the airlines flight routes https://t.co/Yv8rkyaooR
#illustration #animation
After beating all routes of FE: Three Houses, I gotta say this.
Byleth deserves every second to be in Smash. FE:3H is now one of my favorite games of all time and all you whiners NEED to play it to appreciate their inclusion.
And this is coming from a newcomer to the FE series.
NEWS: Meet the Good Girls of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! TV Anime
✨ More: https://t.co/r98JfhV1Bu
My Next Life as a Vilainnes: all Routes Lead to Doom!
𝔏𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔇𝔢𝔢𝔯𝔰 💛
Final WIP of the House Leaders! Dimitri's and Edelgard's routes are so angsty, I'm hoping to finish the game on a lighthearted note with Claude ;-;
Tho, I wonder if I should've done Claude's route first ahhh
New project added to the showcase by @StudiodotBuild
A playful, tongue-in-cheek illustrated world for Virgin America to promote the airlines flight routes https://t.co/Yv8rkyaooR
#illustration #animation
"My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!" - New Visual!!
The anime is slated to premiere on April 4
A smiling Kay has arrived to greet you and remind you that the extended demo with previews into 3 of the routes will be out tomorrow! #heartfragment #gamedev #indiedev #indiegamedev #otome #visualnovel #vndev
Estoy tan feliz de que Chrunchyroll vaya a traer a Bakarina a México que tuve que dibujarlos 🇲🇽😚#otomegamenohametsuflagshikanaiakuyakureijounitenseishiteshimatta #katarinaclaes #mynextlifeasavillainessallroutesleadtodoom #乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった
Summer At the Edge of the Universe Game Reveal!
3 heroine routes with romantic and platonic endings,English voice acting, Fully original soundtrack and illustrations from @vnstudioelan
【 #平日アニジャム からのお知らせ(´-`)】
「アニジャム After Hours」
2/12 (水) 18:00〜 @代々木Zher The Zoo
DJ Lucy
DJ蕨 ←🆕‼️
I finished the Komari route in Little Busters, so that means all six character routes are complete! And what a great route to end on. This was easily my favorite one. It's a powerful story about childhood trauma. It was also the only one to really give me chills - it was intense!
2/12(水) 18:00〜23:00 代々木Zher the ZOO
「アニジャム After Hours」
DJ Lucy
DJ蕨 ←🆕‼️