Feliz Natal para todas as famílias, as criaturas, as escolas, aos vegetarianos e veganos, aos perus saborosos... Feliz Natal para todo mundo

(Aviso):esquilos são vingativos

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Happy Holidays! 🎄
Here's the first drawing for one of my Christmas giveaway winners🎅
The character chosen is Ale, protagonist of Federico Pace's comic book I'll leave a link in the next tweet to read the english version ❤

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Felices F. ninios. Bendiciones para los que puedan llegar a ver este tweet 🙏👁️〰️👁️

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CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT : Jour 24⭐️Chaque jour, pendant 25 jours, découvres sur mes différents réseaux sociaux, un nouveau dessin inspiré des propositions TikTok ! <3

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Merry Fuckin’ Xmas! Have fun and stay safe

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"This is a 'little gift' from me, maybe it's not that expensive

...but I hope you like it"


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Merry Christmas!!! ... and Happy New Year!
I'm happy that we're here together, and we can wish you Merry Xmas again!

This year, Niwa decided to wish you Merry Xmas with me!
Amazing art by Scurry_Can!

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besito sabor a flancito 🍮 uwu
ire publicando imagenes si me queda tiempo jsjsjsj
feliz navided!! si es que no vuelvo a aparecer xdd


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