画質 高画質

FireflyのText effects、元の文字に記号を使えるので、ある程度形を指定した絵を(やろうと思えば)作れるのでは……というやつ

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Hi Kris, hello artists or others like me who at least try. 😁 This is a cool idea for a community activity, and I took two tries today. One with and one with 's new The prompts are in the ALT text. Phew, I need practice, but it's fun. 😊

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Starships! Magic! Mystic Martial Arts! Romance!
Imagine The Expanse and Firefly crossed with Cowboy Bebop!
A CLOAK OF BLADES, in ebook and paperback, now available for free to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers!


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「著作権問題をクリアにしたジェネレーティブAIツールAdobe Firefly、権利はどのようにクリアにしたか」ブログ書きました👀

これまでの生成AIと違う点は「権利処理」著作権問題をAdobeは自社コンテンツで補った🇺🇸 既にaiは折り込み済だったのね


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I love those who choose the cold places.

The fiddlehead hunters.
The sunlit field dreamers.
The feather finders.
The maple sap boilers.
The river bathers.
The firefly watchers.

I love their warm wood stove hearts, their thick blood.

They are walking hearth fires.

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Hello there ✌️Prompt: a giraffe with sunglasses on, a beautiful summer forest in the background https://t.co/wvzlkjs6Bk

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It's not or yet

The ideas for future looks promising tho🤷‍♂️🙏

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First images made with Adobe Firefly but it wouldn't let me make a deaths head moth or a skull...since I'm "Dark" Carnival I don't see myself using this much

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so I modified the prompt a bit until I got what I think you were hoping for.
This is "city of human civilization floating in the clouds above the world"

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🔥 Comparison of DALL·E, MidJourney and Adobe Firefly

A futuristic city skyline at sunset, blending elements of cyberpunk and Art Deco architecture.

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adobe firefly betaを試してみた

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