again Edo is one of the only smart ones

0 9

Judai looks so fucking baby and vulnerable in every shot in this ep..... pain

0 6

it's almost like he's trying to summon Exodia

0 5

angry cat.... (there's a lot of cats in GX)

0 7

THIS POOR POOR DEAR... "no pls not another friend--AUGH physical pain ails me too"

0 6

(again clutches my heart at Ryo's noticeable reaction to someone using someone as a sacrifice.... yes yes keep showing me his heart)

0 7

he is drawn so ggghhkk in this episode!!

0 6

Ryo please don't look at me like that

0 8

Edo is so soft I weep

0 8


0 9

weird fog sets in, everyone is immediately like *concerned gays*

0 6

"man listening to people is hard"

0 5

I love his ego so much lol he's just................. (waves hands)

0 8