3 👩‍🔬 💪 Andrea Ghez Emmanuelle Charpentier & Jennifer A. DouDNA 🧬

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Adiós al científico mexicano Mario Molina, Premio Nobel de Química 1995.

Gracias por tu dedicación a proteger el medio ambiente 🌎

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Congratulations to these amazing & , on winning the for their work on CRISPR/Cas9! A fantastic inspiration for all To celebrate, I'm sharing my

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Congratulations to PDB depositors Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna on the Nobel award for the development of a method for genome editing.

Cascade and CRISPR help bacteria remember how to fight viral infection. More at Molecule of the Month https://t.co/39SeogATE3

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URGENTE: Duas mulheres recebem o Nobel de Química pela edição do genoma

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The work by Reinhard & Andrea that was today honoured by the used an amazing technology called "Adaptive Optics". RT'ing a thread I wrote on AO at (hosts change, so tweets don't have my handle attached):

📷: https://t.co/JXGzslhFHX

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📣📣Nobel Prize in Physics goes to 3 scientists for the work on We finally have a fourth woman to win the nobel in physics 🥳. Many Congratulations to Andrea Ghez, Reinhard Genzel and Roger Penrose!

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"Herzliche Glückwünsche zur Verleihung des Physik-Nobelpreises an Professor Genzel! Dies ist die Krönung einer Wissenschaftlerkarriere, die an der und am Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie in Bonn begann." - Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, NRW-Wissenschaftsministerin

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A Melanistic Nickit Bait commission received via Pokefarm Q for Zenobelle!

Pallete credit to Pokefarm Q!

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I don't ever feel like I deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. Maybe a Nobel Meme Prize? Yes. But asides from that the Imposter Syndrome is definitely real.

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Commission for Ganga Library Online. Nobel Laureate Masatoshi Koshiba Physics 2002. Painted by artist Tim Tompkins from https://t.co/XtknSQmeyS

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a joke :Donald Trump was just nominated for a 3rd Nobel Peace Prize.#NobelPeacePrize

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Commission for Ganga Library Online. Nobel Laureate Wolfgang Ketterle Physics 2001. Painted by artist Tim Tompkins from https://t.co/XtknSQmeyS

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Finished commission for HypnoBella on FA !
Art(C) SilithaCreations

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Commission for Ganga Library Online. Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell Physics 2001. Painted by artist Tim Tompkins from https://t.co/XtknSQmeyS

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