[Planetarium プラネタリウム] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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[It's Paradise, Zura! 天国ずら~!]•[A Messenger from Paradise
楽園からの使者] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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First and foremost hahaha

Kunikida hanamaru hahaha

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[Escape from the School Festival Live Cancellation Crisis
学校祭ライブ中止の危機からの脱出 ] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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[Heave, Ho! Heave, Ho! よいしょ!よいしょ!]•[Fall Kitchen オータムキッチン] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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[Summer Night サマーナイト] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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Hanamaru Kunikida - GALAXY HidE and SeeK

Luego de varios días...Por fin logré terminarla!!

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[I'll Use These Special Utensils, Zura! 特別な道具を使うずら]•[Brightest Melody] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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[Job 職業] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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if you haven’t read Reiwa Hanamaru Gakuen yet what are you doing it is absolutely amazing

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「秘めた想い-inmost thoughts」
Acrylic and Mixed media
Japanese paper on wooden panel

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[Moon Viewing お月見] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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commission for of hanamaru!!! she was so fun i love her🥺💕 once again thank you so so sooo much!!!! 🥰

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the okita boys! I think I drew this for hanamaru release :D

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[Everlasting Summer 常夏] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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not a lot of people appreciate how beautiful hanamaru sounds, especially her part in galaxy hide and seek

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[Cheer Girl チアリーダー] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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[Unit Battle ユニット対抗戦] Kunikida Hanamaru(国木田花丸)

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