5/9 PBE Update: New Tristana skin splash arts, tentative balance changes, and more https://t.co/1adMdLBCwg

191 298

Buccaneer Tristana updated splash art

243 370

Earnest Elf Tristana updated splash

281 373

Riot Girl Tristana updated splash

635 930

5/5 Update: Freljord Taliyah splash, "Definitely Not Dominion" game mode, and more! https://t.co/vxkXerUD2d

64 100

Freljord Taliyah splash art on

329 544

Sona experimental changes V2 go to PBE today. Go play them and tell me what you think.


11 14

5/3 Update: Taliyah, New Super Galaxy Fizz, Kindred, & Shyvana skins, and more!https://t.co/OFn4HV72qd

81 128

Super Galaxy Kindred splash art on

679 754

Testing some EXPERIMENTAL Sona changes on the PBE. Go check em out and shoot me feedback!


46 79

4/28 Update: Updated Trundle skin splash arts! https://t.co/OcDQgMTZEk

222 350

Updated Traditional Trundle splash art on

383 805

Updated Lil' Slugger Trundle splash art on

157 345

4/25 Update: Kayle/Nocturne/Singed skin splash art, Early Surrender/Remake, & more https://t.co/OlJaPLP0Gr

233 247

New PAX Sivir and UFO Corki splash art on

295 458

Shared splash for upcoming Kayle, Nocturne, and Singed skins

700 1168

Official notes will be out tmrw,until then be sure to check out our 6.8 cycle coverage- https://t.co/IJ9kFu76Qf

54 141

4/13 Update: Infernal Diana splash, Art updates for Evelynn, Rammus, TH Warwick https://t.co/jXM1UrygR2

253 325

new Rammus splash art

332 589

4/12 Update: New Darius, Swain, Galactic Renekton, and Viscero Xin Zhao splash art https://t.co/cB29q1GzYv

188 233