画質 高画質


特別収容プロトコル: SCP-173-NEWは常に密閉された、高さ128cmの透明な瓶に保管されています。SCP-173-NEWと対局を行う職員は、SCP-173-NEWの鳴き仕掛けを注視し続けてください。

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SCP 939(demasiadas voces ) son criaturas que casan replicando la voz de su última víctima pidiendo ayuda (ese fue el resumen) si quieres saber todo el contexto ve a la wiki de la fundación SCP o ve un video que te lo narre

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¿Existen las monjas del dios roto? pues ahora sí. Y con esto ya hize un seguidor del dios de la carne, del dios verde y el de las máquinas.

GdI: "Iglesia del Dios Roto" - 28

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2. 마이티 카토
룰: 인세인SCP
시나리오: 《쇼핑센터의 참극》
전(前) 연구원. 리포트를 기가 막히게 과장해서 작성하는 능력을 가졌으나 상사를 후려갈기고 연구동을 떠나 현장을 전전하게 됨... 세상 귀찮은 얼굴로 일은 척척 해치움. 이름은 마이티 마우스에서 딴 가명.

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DEATH BATTLE! Duo with Eyelander VS SCP-015-IT with the Terra Blade

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SCP 재단 × 로보토미 코퍼레이션
정식 항목이었어봐, 평가 -nn 받고 내려갔지 (40)

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The interest in the 049 concepts has been amazing. It's great knowing that so many people out there are excited for what we're doing! You can follow our Kickstarter while we prep the game for screenshots.💖

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Someone should make Ice Cream kitty a SCP and see if someone from the SCP fandom recognizes her 💀💀

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spat this out real quick coz if i didnt the brainrot wouldve made me explode like a vigorously shaken bottle of pepsi

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DEATH BATTLE On Driftwood Shores! Man Of Queens VS SCP-3456

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every day i wake up and theres a new scp twit trend

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Scpcppsxpocpspc SCP SCP SCP SCP SCARY!!!

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"You are beautiful... just the way you are"

SCP-706 - Perfect Porcelain Doll 🎀

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SCP-3767 (Captain Kirby 様 https://t.co/d69DA9ibKA)「余分な搭乗客1人のせいで機体が下降しています。」情景変化から始まるのも良い
SCP-2896-JP (Jiraku_Mogana 様 https://t.co/j8NtDHBYhg) Qコンで印象深い記事。そこまでの臓器転移は望んでいなかった。
CC BY-SA 3.0

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