that our hotel building was completed in 1960?
Perfect landmark of the Independence of Nigeria!

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the M in Home Depot has a nail...

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The voice of Eeyore in ‘Winnie the Pooh’ is by the same person who does Optimus Prime in ‘Transformers’.

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Voice -Eeyore in ‘Winnie the Pooh’ is by the same person who does Optimus Prime in ‘Transformers’.

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Popeye,was created during the Great Depression to encourage people to eat spinach for high iron content.

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In honor of St. Patrick's Day and it's official color!

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that snowdrops probably arrived in the UK as late as the 16th century? They are our Plant of the Month.

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Day 18 of Getting ready to see this Friday in London!

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Big Macs are used to determine a currency's strength: by

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Someone asked me what I'm doin tomorrow. Uhhhhhh... The same shit I do everyday!!!

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