Aoba is the main protagonist of the manga and anime, New Game! She is cheerful and polite, and strives to do the best work possible in order to reach her goal of becoming a character designer. The coloured version here was completed on the 3rd of August 2017.

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Rose is a supporting character from the +Anima manga. She has the power of the Cat +Anima, which gives her feline claws and cat-like eyes. As she has no official colour scheme, this is how I imagined her. I completed the coloured version here on the 2nd of August 2017.

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Husky is one of the main characters in the +Anima manga. He has the power of the Fish +Anima, which often gets him mislabeled as a female mermaid. He uses his staff to punish Cooro for being stupid. I completed coloured version here on the 30th of July 2017.

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Kotone is ranked fourth in the Elite Class of the Keijo!!!!!!!! manga and anime. She can summon her Cerberus (nicknamed Cer-chan) to fight opponents for her. I completed the coloured version here on the 10th of July 2017.

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Hanabi is my favourite character from the Keijo!!!!!!!! manga and anime series. She is very cheerful and friendly most of the time, however when racing on the land she can become rather scary. The coloured version here was completed on the 9th of July 2017.

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Rin is the second strongest Keijo player in the Elite Class, and she takes pride in her speed as an Outfighter. Her hair points up and takes the form of cat ears when she is excited. I completed the coloured version here on the 9th of July 2017.

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Mio is the highest ranked of the Elite Class in the Keijo!!!!!!!! manga and anime. She is very carefree, but thinks well under pressure. The coloured version shown here was completed on the 9th of July 2017.

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