HMS Illustrious cosplaing as Akagi

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HMS Illustrious race queen cosplay

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1943年荒れ狂うイギリス海峡にて、トンネル作戦に参加するカリブディス(HMS Charybdis)とリバー級イッチェン(HMS Itchen)を描いた絵画。

本作戦はラッキー・ジャーヴィスの艦長も務めたロジャー・ヒル少佐の立案で、海戦の結果、カリブディス及びハント級駆リンボーン(HMS Limbourne)が戦没した。

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船の絵のまとめ 加筆修正
HMS AUDACIOUS オーディシャス  1798年ナイルの海戦
VASA スウェーデン戦列艦ヴァーサ  1628年バルト海
TATSUTA 大日本帝国海軍巡洋艦龍田 1941年開戦時あたり
HMS CAESAR シーザー      1805年オルテガル岬の海戦

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USS Montpelier and HMS Neptune (right from 1st collab) round up the 2nd batch of AL captains coming to WoWS!

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I was bored during a HMS lobby while waiting for a V!Hildegarde or a Verica to show and the best thing that happened during HMS was during the Gale Blast and the 6k might player yelled "LOOK OUT!"

go crazy with this

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A view of HMS Discovery once a support vessel for Captain Cook's third voyage but now a rat-infested convict ship moored alongside the Thames at downriver from (1828) - she was finally broken up in 1834

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"H-hey!! Who switched my outfit? This one is a little small..."

Happy Birthday Shiki!!

Wanted to dress her up like another vampire, HMS Vampire from in fact! ^-^

SenranXAzur Lane crossover when?? ;)

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ハンター のロイヤル
HMS Hunter of Royal Navy
Game: Azurlane(アズールレーン)

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