These characters belong to her. Snarky Persephone is running around like a hyper child. Zeus is in his boxers because he was not expecting company. I love his stupid little King mug😂

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DAY 6 -
Thetis and Mint, I mean Minthe, are talking smack in the club.
Lore Olympus is on Webtoons created by

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DAY 5-
Toddler Kore realizes she’s a goddess.💕
Lore Olympus is on Webtoons created by

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Last year I did Halloween Pun parodies of originals and presented, I Love BOO, Let’s Play a Game, GORE Olympus, and Sirens Haunting. 👻🎃I think I chose my next victims 4 this year 🎃👻

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Я решил нарисовать Геру просто потому что в предпоследней главе, она была столь прекрасна и я так жду когда она докопается до правды с Апполоном.

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DAY 4-
Of course we love all the doggos, but RETSINA needs some attention!!! 😆

Lore Olympus is on Webtoons created by

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Day 3 of
If Demeter had a line of Corn products as well.
I spent literally the whole time drawing this giggling.

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So I did Zeus in the Darkest Dungeon style... It feels very Dorian Gray to me.

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A Persephone standing in the water. I loved drawing this. Persephone belongs to This is my favourite personal piece.

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It’s Loretober! Day 1: God or Goddess. I picked MVP Hermes!
Lore Olympus is on created by

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Since I’ve gotten a Twitter I’ve been trying to figure out what type of content I want my account to have but I think I’m just going to make it an amalgamation of everything I do and am into, so here’s some more art

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Decided to draw Hera again 😅 Can you tell I’m absolutely in love w/ her? 😂

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Here is the final version. I like my new technique for LO drawings. A very sexy Echo. Not intended for anyone under eighteen. she owns this bitch. I am super jealous.

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